Watch a normal person using these services [Spotify, Pandora, YouTube...] and then ask your self again, with a straight face, why they quit visiting MP3 blogs to find the link that would allow them, after they braved a malware warning from Chrome, watched a short video advertisement and killed 14 pop-ups, to download an MP3 that may or may not be of the song they were looking for. [...]
A music blogger might object to these points by saying well, sure, but show me the curation on YouTube! Where’s the context, the commentary, the personal stories that illuminate subtle aspects of a song and help us appreciate it in new ways?
It turns out most people don’t want that. No one is saddened by this fact more than me — I’ve spent a decade posting music online with commentary, and even longer reading other people’s commentary. But the Web traffic doesn’t lie — the market for the music + commentary format, though it comprises some of my very favorite people and writers in the world, is astonishingly small.
(l'immagine viene da qui)