Polaroids From the Web

"Spitting in a wishing well" edition

- "Alternative" was a word coined by the media, to get more money for their advertisers. We were like, "What's up? Nobody calls us 'alternative.' Why do they keep putting it on the cover of magazines?" Actually, you know who said "alternative music"? My mother. And everybody else in Dayton, all the truck drivers and the cowboys and stuff, they'd go, "I'll tell you what it's alternative to. Good music." Kim Deal, The Oral History of the Breeders' Last Splash [SPIN]
(mp3) The Breeders - Divine Hammer

- "The Cocktail Chart of Film & Literature" [Frizzifrizzi]

- "Is Corporate Sponsorship Now Long-Form Journalism’s Last Hope?": lunga e interessante intervista di Jason Gross a Torsten Schmidt, uno dei fondatori della Red Bull Music Academy, e al giornalista Piotr Orlov, tra i responsabili del progetto Daily Note, un notevolissimo magazine musicale web e cartaceo promosso proprio dalla Red Bull.

- Quello che invece fa Buzzfeed al giornalismo (non solo musicale) assomiglia più a un disastro ecologico tipo Golfo Del Messico: "BuzzFeed Starts Program to Train Agencies in the BuzzFeed Way"

- Peccato, perché ogni tanto qualcosa di buono si trova anche lì: "How Stuart Murdoch Made His First Movie" (di Matthew Perpetua)

- Una buona notizia per concludere: questa sera comincia il Roma PopFest! Fortunati quelli che ci saranno. In programma: Paletti, His Clancyness, Dumbo Gets Mad, Brothers In Law, Testaintasca, Videodreams, Marcello e Il Mio Amico Tommaso, Love The Unicorn, Wow, I Demoni, Gun Kawamura! Se siete da quelle parti non perdetevelo!

Roma PopFest 2013
